Ottawa-Lyon Mirror Chair holders

Biographical Notes

Mariève Lacroix Mariève Lacroix

A Doctor of Law, Mariève Lacroix is also a lawyer and an Associate Professor at the Civil Law Section of the Faculty of Law at the University of Ottawa. She focuses her research and teaching activities, on Canadian and foreign soil, in the areas of private and comparative law of liability and persons. She has authored nearly thirty scientific articles and four monographs.

Vice-Dean of Studies from 2016 to 2019, she has since held the “Ottawa-Lyon Mirror Chair: The Avatars of the Person and Contemporary Issues of Private Liability Law”, with Professor Olivier Gout from Jean Moulin University Lyon 3.



Olivier Gout
Olivier Gout

Olivier Gout is Professor at Jean Moulin University in Lyon 3. He is Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Law and co-director of the Louis Josserand research team in Lyon 3. He also manages an inter-university degree in medical law in partnership with a professor of medicine and a master's degree in international and comparative business law, the second year of which is taking place in Vietnam.

His teaching focuses on civil law and business law.
His research activities revolve around two areas, the law of securities and the law of obligations, which concentrates most of his publications of books, articles and conferences in France and abroad. Lastly, he holds the “Ottawa-Lyon Mirror Chair: The Avatars of the Person and Contemporary Issues of Private Liability Law” with Professor Mariève Lacroix of the University of Ottawa.